Q-railing catalogue spotlights new fully adjustable continuous glass railing system

With the launch of its new 2014/2015 catalogue, Q-railing introduces four new complete railing systems. Generating most interest is Easy Glass® Pro, the very first railing system that can be fully adjusted and aligned from the inner side of a balcony. Duo Line, Linear Line and Square Line® 60x30 complete the new system line-up. With these new offerings, Q-railing provides even more choices of complete, modular railing systems.

The unique Easy Glass® Pro post free glass architectural balustrade system features an ingenious Safety Wedge System that allows the glass to be easily adjusted in every direction. Each glass panel can be aligned from the inner side of the balustrade. Easy Glass® Pro maximises transparency while maintaining high stability and security. It is particularly suitable when a cap rail is not required or desired. Available for both indoor and outdoor use the channel is available in four different profiles – two versions for top mount and two for fascia mount – Easy Glass® Pro is the ideal solution for challenging construction situations. All four Easy Glass® Pro profiles have integrated drainage systems and come with connecting pins. The complete system includes pre-fabricated corners, end caps, and optional protective covers.
Andre van Uitert, Sales and Marketing Director at Q-railing Europe, highlights the benefits of the Easy Glass® Pro system: “On installations you can make all of the adjustments from the balcony; there is no need for a scaffold to adjust the glass from the outer side. In today’s fast-paced world, saving time is crucial. Easy Glass® Pro provides the ultimate solution for saving time and, consequently, saving money.”
Easy Glass® Pro is CE certified (EN-1090-1), has been fully statically calculated and is tested and approved according to the Euro-code, NEN2608. In addition, it is AbP, Typenstatik and KOMO certified in Germany and the Netherlands.
Easy Glass® Pro is now available in the UK exclusively through Q-railing recommended installers.
All of Q-railing’s railing systems – including the new baluster railing systems Duo Line, Linear Line and Square Line® 60x30 – feature easy installation and complete modularity. Duo Line is a flexible clamp system with anthracite grey powder-coated aluminium balusters that are light, affordable and provide excellent aesthetics in combination with stainless steel. Linear Line presents rigid lines and flat shapes and can be mounted without the need for welding. Square Line® 60x30 is the robust complement to the existing Square Line® range, and can withstand heavier loads due to its stylish, thicker baluster. The elements of these new baluster railing systems are now available through Q-railing sales channels.
With its new product assortment Q-railing gives customers an even bigger selection of unique solutions for building design railing systems.

The new catalogue is released in 13 different languages. If horizontally stapled to each other, all of these printed catalogues would cover twice the height of the highest building in the world: the 828-metre high Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Find out more on this demonstration video
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