Pier Control House concrete elements made safe by Cemplas

Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs was invited by the Great Yarmouth Port Company to undertake a survey and inspection of the Control House to the South Pier in Great Yarmouth, which had been closed off to members of the public due to the unsafe nature of the concrete elements of the structure.

Firstly, Cemplas trained operatives assessed the damage and provided a diagnosis of the cause of the deterioration. By combining analysis of the current condition of the structure with an understanding of the client’s objectives, the Cemplas team was able to put forward a cost-effective repair solution matching the future requirements of the structure.
Cemplas was instructed to undertake the remedial repair works, and commenced by setting up safety barriers and fencing. A cherry picker and welfare unit were installed on site, and Cemplas operatives began by breaking out all areas of defective concrete back to a sound substrate, and exposing the steel reinforcement bars. Due to the extent of some of the corroded steel, they had to be replaced with new reinforcement bars.
All steel reinforcement was then thoroughly cleaned and primed with Weber Keycoat rust inhibitor. And sacrificial anodes were installed to the steel rebars prior to reinstating the defective concrete using Weber HB40 repair mortar.
Once the entire concrete repair works had been completed, Cemplas applied Weber Cote primer and 2 coats of Weber Cote EC to the areas of repaired concrete. To complete the project, a waterproof resin coating was applied to the top concrete beam where there was an existing asphalt overhang.
All work was completed on time and within budget to the complete satisfaction of the client.
For expert advice, or if you wish to view a comprehensive list of Cemplas previous case studies, please visit the website http://www.cemplas.co.uk
Article supplied by Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs
Tel: 020 8654 3149
Email: info@cemplas.co.uk