Origin introduces gardening series for young homeowners

Origin, a British manufacturer of bi-fold doors, windows and blinds, has launched a series of ‘how to’ gardening videos with Chelsea Flower Show gold award winner and Director of the Young Horticultural Society, Jack Shilley. The series, named ‘The Great Gardening Gap’, is designed to give young homeowners the knowledge and confidence to get into gardening and make the most of their outdoor spaces.

The series of six videos, available to view at www.origin-global.com, covers the gardening basics, as well as teaching homeowners how to grow their own vegetables and chillies in window boxes, and create colourful or fragrant containers. For those short on time, there’s also a video on how to create super low maintenance garden pots.
Origin launched the videos following its latest research into the gardening habits of homeowners aged 25-35. The Great Gardening Gap research revealed a ‘gardening generation gap’, as young homeowners aren’t engaging with their outdoor spaces, something Origin hopes to change using the video series.
Ben Brocklesby, Director at Origin, said: “The research revealed a straight 50/50 split in those who enjoyed gardening and those who didn’t. Of those not so keen, over half said it was because they didn’t have any gardening knowledge. We created the videos to give gardening tips and advice so young homeowners can still create amazing views from their home, even if time pressures, space and gaps in knowledge mean a traditional style garden is not always possible.”
The videos are presented by Jack Shilley, a young horticulturalist who has already won Gold at Chelsea Flower Show. Jack said: “Gardening is a huge trend in the home improvement industry and it is such a shame that young homeowners aren’t as engaged with their outdoor spaces, as it’s often seen as a hobby for the older generations. We want to show young homeowners that, by investing just a few minutes of their time, it’s possible to grow their own vegetables and create amazing pots and window boxes.”
The series will give homeowners the skills and confidence to keep great British gardens alive and improve the views from their first homes.
For further information on the Origin Great Gardening Gap Series, please visit http://www.origin-global.com
Article supplied by energy pr on behalf of Origin