Newton 902 Primer Achieves Third Party Gas Permeability Accreditation

John Newton & Company is pleased to announce that Newton 902 Primer has been awarded a certificate confirming its suitability as a hydrocarbon gas barrier. The independent UK laboratory testing has proven the effectiveness of the 902 single component primer to be an effective gas barrier dealing with methane, radon and all other hydrocarbon gases.

With gas impermeability at more the seven times the Council Directive of 1999, Specifiers and Newton Specialist Basement Contractors can be confident that two coats totalling 1kgm² of Newton 902 provides a membrane with incredibly low permeability for all hydrocarbon molecules, radon and methane gases and water vapour.
Warren Muschialli, Managing Director, John Newton & Company, said: “Newton 902 Primer is a cost effective and versatile product which will allow contractors to supply a solution to deal with gas and moisture vapour problems in above ground situations with confidence.”
About Newton 902 Primer
Newton 902 is a single component high performance elastomeric liquid rubber membrane specifically designed for providing a radon, gas and vapour barrier to vertical and horizontal surfaces. It is a water based compound, formulated on a styrene-butadiene copolymer.
Newton 902 Primer can be used as a stand-alone radon, gas and vapour barrier, or as a primer for use with Newton System 200 Deck and Roofing membranes or Newton System 700 Floor Coatings, when radon, gas or vapour control is required.
Typical applications:

- Can be applied by airless spray, roller or brush to walls, floors or soffits
- Radon, Gas and Vapour barrier to concrete, masonry and brick substrates
- Radon, Gas and Vapour primer for other liquid coatings such as Newton System 200 and Newton System 700 high performance floor coatings
- Vertical waterproofing membrane when used with Newton System 400 vertical drainage systems
- Car parks
A copy of the report can be downloaded here
For further information please contact John Newton & Company on 020 7237 1217