More to benches than meets the eye says Furnitubes

As designers and producers of high quality benches, the staff at Furnitubes get very excited when they come across other people who share their love of benches.

They have discovered a project in Amsterdam, The Benches Collective, which is a fantastic example of how street furniture helps to bring communities together. During Bench season, which this year starts on June 5th and runs throughout the summer, people from the community are invited to ‘adopt’ a bench for the day and to turn it into a little cafe, or a story-telling spot, or a miniature beauty salon. Everyone at Furnitubes wishes the Dutch participants the best of luck.
They would love to see some Furnitubes benches being used to really fulfil their function of helping community cohesion. And the benches the company’s in-house design team have been coming up with recently lend themselves to all sorts of mini ventures. Team members talk to landscape architects and designers all the time to reflect what they need in their designs. They are experts in recommending the ideal furniture to support the aims of any project, and ensuring it seamlessly fits into the rest of the design.
Furnitubes’ RailRoad range is a perfect example of versatile furniture with endless possibilities. The range is designed to fit together much like a rail road track. The individual units can be straight or curved to a variety of seating arrangements and are now available with add on RailRoad planters – perfect if you are planning an urban park. Or how about integrating a pop-up story telling circle into your housing scheme or school project?
Another range that is great for creating interesting and informal seating is the Amesbury concrete seating . This was used at William Morris Primary School, within bright colourful surroundings in the school playground, as an outdoor lessons space and encouraging children to enjoy the outside world and to let their imaginations run wild.
Of course, different projects need different solutions. Tottenham, in North London, is a busy vibrant place with all sorts of people mixing together to build a strong community, but until recently Tottenham Green was underused, and uninviting. The London Borough of Haringey decided to create a civic heart for Tottenham on this space, and to construct an area which encourages performances, play and a cafe culture. Having the right seating was essential to achieving that goal. Furnitubes was delighted its Elements range was selected for the development because it offers the versatility and style required. The company also custom-designed integrated seats within low level concrete retaining walls to suit the site. It’s certainly made a positive difference to community events in Tottenham.
The reality is, a bench is never just a bench. A bench is a place to sit and watch the world go by, a place to rest on a busy day, a place to meet friends or lovers, a place to read in companionable solitude with just a book for company. Seating gives users a reason to pause and rest within the busy public realm environment.

The team at Furnitubes understands that and will always strive to design and produce high quality, stylish and functional street furniture aimed to help improve the daily lives of public citizens. The company’s SmartSpace brand is capable of just that – all products in the range are innovative by design whilst also being capable of being arranged to meet the varying and changing requirements of today’s outdoor spaces. Take a look -
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