More third-party approvals and NHBC recognition for Newton Waterproofing

Two new Agréments for leading independent UK waterproofing supplier Newton Waterproofing ensure the company possesses NHBC approval across its range.
The name of Newton Waterproofing Systems has been synonymous in the UK waterproofing industry with the highest levels of product quality and technical service for many years. Now, with two more of the company’s products achieving new, third-party Agrément® approvals, this reputation is reinforced by the fact that Newton can now boast third party approvals for all three types of waterproofing defined by BS 8102:2009 as Types A, B and C.
The two new approvals come in the form of:
- BDA Agrément BAB-18-026-P-A-UK, awarded to the liquid-applied, flexible Type A membrane Newton 107F, and;
- Agrément BCAC-17-002, awarded to the high grade, hydrophilic Type B waterbar Newton 315 Polymer-Waterbar.
These two new approvals sit alongside Newton’s existing BDA Agrément for the Newton HydroBond external Type A system, and a comprehensive BBA Certificate covering Newton’s entire range of internal Type C cavity drainage membranes.
Further to this - and perhaps more importantly - is the fact that these new approvals also mean that Newton is able to provide clients with a complete range of external, structural and internal waterproofing solutions that are all accepted by the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes, the NHBC, on any project in which they are involved.
Warren Muschialli, Managing Director of Newton Waterproofing Systems, said: “This complete set of approvals are the result of years of close co-operation between Newton and the experts at Kiwa and the BBA, and we’re proud to now be able to offer this extra level of technical assurance to specifiers and customers. By working alongside the NHBC as well, we are confident that our approved products can contribute significantly towards their aim of improving the construction quality of new homes being built in the UK.”
Article supplied by:
Newton Waterproofing Systems
Tel: 01732 360 095