The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Press Room: Marshalls CPM pipes for sustainable drainage project at former dairy farm

Marshalls CPM pipes for sustainable drainage project at former dairy farm

A three-line attenuation tank using precast flow pipes from Marshalls CPM has been installed in a new housing project being developed on former farmland in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Sustainable drainage pipes

The new Lewis Civil Engineering scheme for Taylor Wimpey Homes, on an old dairy farm on the A48, near Cowbridge, is one of a growing number of developments using timeworn agricultural land.

It will see 475 homes being built alongside a new primary school and associated infrastructure including a new roundabout being constructed on the A48 as part of the link road.

When the Darren Farm project was granted planning permission there were conditions relating to flooding and infrastructure issues, which has resulted in the three-line attenuation tank being installed, using 1500mm dry weather flow pipes from Marshalls CPM.

Lewis Civil Engineering was ideally matched to this type of scheme as the company had initially specialised in deep sewer and water main pipelines when it began in 1984.

Les Vile, Specifications Manager for Marshalls CPM, believes that the precast concrete dry weather flow pipes are perfect in areas that are prone to flooding as they can reduce over-pumping costs by up to 15% and are used in large capacity surface water or foul tanks.

“Using the precast dry weather flow pipes concentrates the water flow into a channel at the bottom of the attenuation system, increasing the water flow velocity and preventing the settlement of solids or water in the tank,” he said. When flooding or high flow levels are in action, the open channel overflows, stimulating the full volume of pipe. This enables the water and sewage to move freely, during both high and low flow levels, eliminating blockages in the system.”

Jo Wallace-Blaker, Trading Manager, said: “Using a precast solution reduces on-site construction time as well as the need for confined space working and heavyweight concrete has the ability to withstand ground movements and water jetting. By installing concrete pipes, a contractor can make cost savings on both pipe bedding materials and a reduction in vehicle movements on-site. As well as the attenuation pipe system, we have also supplied Hydro-brake chambers as part of the sustainable drainage system (SuDS). Aligning modern drainage systems with the natural water processes of the land.”

More information on precast sustainable drainage systems.


Marshalls CPM
Tel: 01179 814500

Original of this case study here

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