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Press Room: Loading bay kept dry with The Flood Company barrier

Loading bay kept dry with The Flood Company barrier

A business manufacturing cleaning, laundry and kitchenware has solved the problem of flood water entering the main loading bay thanks to The Flood Company.

Flood barrier to loading bay

The Flood Company garage door or loading bay flood barriers are suitable for commercial or residential properties and proved just right for Vale Mill Minky Homecare in Lancashire.

A demountable flood barrier is the most suitable flood mitigation product for garage doors because they allow for vehicles and people to enter/exit the building in normal conditions. With the Buffalo Flood Barrier, only a smooth flat surface is required for the barrier to seal on top, therefore no threshold is present in the garage, removing any trip hazard risk.

A demountable aluminium flood barrier requires two permanent upright fixings to be installed either side of the garage. These fixings can either be face or reveal, and can be installed internally or externally. However, in some cases (particularly on older commercial units) the existing brickwork requires remedial work.

This was the case at Vale Mill. The brick work either side of the loading bay was unstable and needed repairing to ensure a solid fixing before a Buffalo HD Aluminium Flood Barrier could be installed. This involved building a new section, and fixing into the existing building.

As the flood barrier was over 2.4m in width, a demountable post was required, which required core drilling 250mm deep hole for the ground insert to sit in. In addition, to ensure a smooth flat surface for the flood barrier to seal against, a metal plate was inserted in the ground.

The installation was completed by Floodsafe Projects.

Further information on flood barrier design is available via the architect section of The Flood Company website or email


The Flood Company Commercial
Tel: 0800 999 5355

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