Komfort Launches Kommunicate Newsletter

Komfort has launched a new quarterly newsletter for architects and contractors to keep them up to speed on the exciting projects and developments happening at Komfort.

Titled Kommunicate, the newsletter is full of stories about such projects as the Evelyn Grace Academy, the latest product news on some of the bestsellers such as Polar, and information on upcoming initiatives like Komfort’s new Training Academy and KomFacts.
This first issue is packed with valuable information, to read the online version please click here. Or, if you’d like to receive a copy of Kommunicate, please send your name, company name and address to Stephanie.brewer@komfort.com.
Komfort Workspace
Broadlands Business Campus
Langhurstwood Road
West Sussex
RH12 4QP
Tel: 01403 390300
Web: http://www.komfort.com