The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Press Room: IQ Glass ready to reopen showroom with new systems on display

IQ Glass ready to reopen showroom with new systems on display

IQ Glass is thrilled to announce that in line with government guidelines, it is planning to once again be opening its showroom doors and conducting showroom visits from April 12th. While the doors have been closed to the public, the team have been carrying out some exciting updates and installing new glazing systems throughout the showroom.

IQ Glass showroom

They have been busy working on the showroom and continuing the complete renovation project at Sky House. Installation and construction works also continued throughout the latest lockdown and there are now a number of new systems available to view and experience at the showroom.

The courtyard now features panoramah! sliding door systems, granting access to the standalone glass box structure. The doors have extremely minimal sightlines from just 19mm and are on display in an opening corner configuration. The base detail of this sliding system is what makes the oversized panes slide with ease, accommodating large or heavy panes, perfect for commercial building designs.

There is a M.A.R.S installed in the glazing showroom, offering architects the opportunity to see the sliding rooflight system in action before specifying the advanced system. The modern automated rooflight system is an experience not to be missed, with almost silent motors and a smooth sliding motion which can be used to great effect when creating an indoor-outdoor dining experience.

Inside the showroom, an internal glass pivot door has been installed as part of IQ’s MIRO internal glazing range. The minimal door, filling a tall structural opening, has a slim aluminium frame and has a bronze anodised finish for a sleek, modern design. When closed, the door offers the appearance of a normal casement door, only revealing its bespoke nature when opened. Complete with a slimline art deco handle, the internal pivot door is perfect for those minimalist interior designs commonly found throughout luxury apartment blocks.

Lastly, a new ADL sliding internal door has been installed in the furniture showroom. This bronze-coloured door is biparting, showcasing the versatile nature of the ADL systems and has a decorative glass finish in a mesh pattern for an enhanced aesthetic. The ADL range is popular due to the top hung configuration, leaving completely undisturbed floors beneath it.

With all the new additions in the showroom, appointments are filling up quickly. Contact IQ Glass to book your showroom visit to avoid disappointment.


IQ Glass
Tel: 01494 722880

Original of this article here

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