The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Press Room: Integrity Mardak Software Supports Growth of R Collard

Integrity Mardak Software Supports Growth of R Collard

Demolition Contractors and Waste Recyclers, R Collard Ltd have selected Mardak from Integrity Software as their financial accounting system to support the continued growth of their business.

By implementing Mardak accounting software, R Collard will now have the ability to integrate and manage all of the current financial information of the business into one system.

John White, Financial Controller of R Collard commented, “We have grown as a business significantly in the past few years and have now reached the limits of our existing accounting and financial systems. I am looking forward to the integration Mardak will now provide us, enabling the various parts of our systems to link together will be of great benefit to us.”

For further information on Integrity Software and financial accounting & operational software, designed for use by construction and related industries, visit


Notes to Editors:

Distributed by:
Integrity Software Systems Ltd
Mere Park, Dedmere Road

Richard Boston

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