Heat Pumps in the most ambitious energy class

The European Heat Pump Association has published information confirming that Heat Pumps come up trumps in terms of energy efficiency, reports Space Air.

The association concludes: “Heat Pumps not only use renewable energy (as recognised in the RES Directive) but also provide heating and cooling services in the most efficient manner.”
This is the outcome of the European Regulation on Ecodesign and the Energy Label of space and combi heaters (Lot 1) and water heaters and hot water storage tanks (Lot 2).
After six years of consultation and deliberation, the European Commission published details of the Regulation last month. As a result, consumers will benefit from transparent information on the efficiency of products that provide heating and hot water – this is a European first!
Heat pumps are among the few technologies that already comply with the most ambitious A+++ energy class which will only be introduced in 2019.
Heat pumps are perfect to fit in almost all new and existing properties. According to the European Heat Pump Association; this new Regulation will support the uptake of renewable heating technologies and help reduce energy demand and reliance on fossil energy inputs.
To find out more please visit www.ehpa.org.
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Space Airconditioning
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