Forticrete launches decorative range of cock and hen capping stones

Forticrete, the UK’s leading manufacturer of concrete construction products, has launched a new range of Cock and Hen Capping Stones. Typically used in areas of natural beauty such as the Cotswolds, Cock and Hen Capping Stones are pieces of rough-hewn stone which are placed at right angles on the top of stone walling to enhance weather resistance.

John Lambert, general manager at Forticrete, commented: “The benefits of our new range of Cock and Hen Capping Stones are two-fold. First and foremost, they perform a vital protective role in preventing rainfall penetration. However, available in a selection of natural colours and finishes to suit regional preferences, the range helps to satisfy local planning authorities’ desire for new homes in areas of natural beauty to look attractive, blend with the surrounding area and help shape desirable communities where people want to live.”
Forticrete’s range of Cock and Hen Capping Stones are available in its Shearstone Walling Premier and Standard colour ranges, specifically designed to complement many of the natural stone walls in southern Britain. The Light Ham of Somerset and the Buff of the Cotswolds are just two examples of stone types admirably mirrored in the Shearstone range. While Pentstone was created to match the local Grey Multi stone of Bristol and South Wales.
For more information on Forticrete’s range of products, visit:
Article supplied by Stein IAS on behalf of Forticrete