Flakt Woods to provide Jakarta Metro tunnel ventilation

Fläkt Woods is delighted to have been chosen to supply ventilation equipment to Phase 1 of a new Metro system in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The first phase of the project will be the construction of the underground section of the new metro system, which crosses Jakarta from North to South to service the nine million residents of the city. The Metro system will consist of 13 stations; seven elevated and six underground, spread over 15.5km.
Following the successful tender process, Fläkt Woods was chosen to supply eight 1.6 metre fans and six 1.125 metre fans.
The image shows the customer approving the products after a successful acceptance test program at Fläkt Woods’ Colchester factory prior to shipment and installation.
Fläkt Woods looks forward to seeing the completed project a success for our customers’ success and the benefit of the residents of Jakarta.
For more information visit www.flaktwoods.co.uk/tunnels
Fläkt Woods
Tel: 01206 222555
Email: marketing.uk@flaktwoods.com
Web: http://www.flaktwoods.co.uk
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