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Press Room: Facilitas SMC switches to Integrity construction specific accounting software

Facilitas SMC switches to Integrity construction specific accounting software

Oxfordshire-based building contractor Facilitas SMC has joined the ranks of those who have switched from a generic accounting solution to one designed specifically for the construction industry.

The task of choosing the right accounting software solution will never be an easy one, and detail-orientated Martin Trower, Financial Controller for the Facilitas Group, was more thorough than most when he started the process with 25 potential software solutions.

This was then narrowed down to four contenders: Redsky IT, Easybuild, Sage Construction and Integrity’s Evolution M. After thorough appraisal and demonstrations of all the different solutions on offer, Trower then settled on the Evolution M construction accounting software.

“It’s quick and easy to pick up and use,” said Martin. “Integrity Software’s professionalism and their system gave me reasons to champion them throughout the entire process.”

Richard Boston, Marketing Manager for Integrity Software, is “extremely pleased” to welcome Facilitas SMC on board. “I’m confident that Evolution M will deliver exactly what they need, both for SMC and the wider Facilitas Group as a whole.”


Integrity Software Ltd
Tel: 01628 488900

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