Eurobrick issues new product guide

Following strong sales of brick slips throughout 2016, Eurobrick has issued the 6th Edition of its Product Guide, introducing four new colours to its ranges.

The Britannia Range is an extensive collection of kiln fired, extruded brick slips. “Extruded” means that the bricks are manufactured as a slip, typically 15mm thick and as such require 60-70% less energy to fire than standard bricks. The brick slips are manufactured in standard UK sizes and corner bricks are available. Extruded brick slips are a competitively priced alternative to traditional bricks.
Adding to the already successful and popular Rustic selection within the Britannia Range, Rustic Cream 692 offers a clean, pale buff option. Golden Smooth 200 returns to the Britannia Range following renewed interest in brighter, more vibrant brick colours. Flame Wirecut 7471 is another useful addition to the Britannia Range which will fit many architectural landscapes, with its warm red/orange hues and a drag faced finish.
The Classic Range includes both cut and manufactured brick slips with corner bricks. The cut slips are from stock and reclaim style bricks and provide warmth and character, while the manufactured slips have a sharp, modern look.
Enhancing the Classic Range further, Old Beaufort is a characterful, pale buff multi-stock brick slip with a slightly tumbled finish and pleasing tonal variations.
All of these slips are manufactured to standard UK sizes with widths ranging from 15 to 25mm. Pistol corners are also available. All of the brick slips shown in our Product Guide are stock items and subject to the quantities required, are usually available to despatch within 2-3 days of an order being placed.
The new Product Guide is available as a download; please go to the Downloads page of the Eurobrick website. Alternatively, should you wish to receive the brochure in the post, please call 0117 971 7117 to request a copy. For more information or to request a sample, telephone Eurobrick or email
Eurobrick Systems
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