Clos-o-Mat helps to remove obstacles to grammar education

One of the largest remaining grammar schools in the UK has taken a holistic approach to enabling its students to fulfil its aim of equipping students for a full and constructive place in society.

Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys was approached by the parents of a young boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, who wanted their son to access the benefits of education at the school, but appreciated the nature of his illness meant he may have difficulty using certain facilities- including school toilets - now and in the future.
The school’s solution was to turn to accessible school toilet expert Clos-o-Mat, with main contractor Spencer Francis, to help supply and install two new hygiene rooms on the campus. The rooms give greater scope than that provided by the existing standard wheelchair-accessible toilets on-site, and ensure accessible toilet provision is achieved across the main campus buildings.
With more space, to enable student and carer to access equipment, both hygiene rooms have height adjustable washbasins, height adjustable changing benches, hoists and Clos-o-Mat Palma Vita automatic ‘wash and dry’ toilets with touch-sensitive switch.
The Welfare Manager at Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys explained that, although not all of the equipment is needed yet, by ensuring the equipment in the rooms is as adaptable as possible, the facilities will meet the changing needs of the school’s student with Duchenne’s. It will also open the school’s door for other disabled students who may wish to attend but may have previously thought the Grammar School inaccessible to them.
Under Department for Education Building Bulletin guidelines, hygiene rooms are good practice and should be included in all schools. Clos-o-Mat is the UK’s leading provider of hygiene rooms in educational establishments, utilising its experience gained in the supply and installation of these, and their ‘public’ equivalent Changing Places toilets, to deliver an efficient, comprehensive ‘one-stop shop’. The company is unique in being able to offer, in-house, design advice, supply, install, commissioning and ongoing service/maintenance, backed up by in-house project management of a Changing Places toilet or hygiene room.
Clos-o-Mat has used its expertise in the field to produce white papers on accessible school toilets in general, and specifically hygiene rooms, both of which are available for download on its website
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