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Press Room: Cemplas teams cleans up with successful repairs at flats

Cemplas teams cleans up with successful repairs at flats

Established in 1969, specialist contractor Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd was appointed by the directors of Ravenroost to survey a residential block of flats in Upper Norwood to establish the extent in visual defects in the concrete and to provide a costing to undertake the remedial works. There were two areas of concern to be addressed, the laundry area and the building’s front elevation.

Column repair

The first stage when undertaking any concrete repair is for Cemplas’ trained operatives to assess the damage, deterioration and provide a diagnosis of the cause.

An assessment will include analysis of the current condition of the structure, including both visible and latent deterioration. An understanding and consideration of the client’s objectives, with regard to financial constraints and the future requirements of the structure is also important as the extent of the structure’s problems can affect the client’s considerations regarding the most cost-effective repair solution.

Concrete repair is not a standard process as the quantity of work required and the nature of that work may vary greatly. Cemplas considers all aspects of the work including progressive investigation and testing, surface cleaning, preparatory work, and the precise nature and sequence of the repair operation together with the repair methods and materials, and any additional aspects such as weather precautions, material thicknesses and consumption, and curing procedures.

In this instance, the first area undertaken was the laundry area, and following a survey and extensive hammer testing to all soffit areas by Cemplas operatives, the laundry area was found to have many defective and spalled areas of concrete. The remedial measures proposed by Cemplas were to carry out to determine the extent of repairs. The soffit was jet washed, concrete repairs were undertaken and two full coats of anti-carbonation coatings were applied to provide a decorative and protective finish.

The second area was the front elevation where a survey revealed areas of defective concrete to the buildings columns and beams. These were repaired using a polymer modified concrete repair mortar and applicable primer, and ensuring breaking behind the steel reinforcement and applying a protective rust inhibitor.

Soffit repair

All works were completed on time and within budget to the complete satisfaction of the client.

For expert advice, or if you wish to view previous Cemplas case studies, please visit the web site


Article supplied by Cemplas
Tel: 020 8654 3149

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