BLT Direct shows the way on lighting trends

Lighting retailer BLT Direct is closely following the lighting revolution. With more and more people waking up to the effect lighting can have on their mood and emotions, BLT Direct is readying itself to sell the next generation of lightbulbs, designed specifically to improve day-to-day living.
“Everyone wants to feel more awake in the morning, be happier at work, and improve sleep quality,” says Steve Ellwood, Managing Director of BLT Direct. “Lighting is quickly improving to meet these needs, and as we step into the smart revolution, more and more consumers are taking steps to make it happen.”
BLT Direct already sells smart lightbulbs, which can be controlled from the user’s smartphone. Some of the lighting world’s biggest experts, such as Philips, are adjusting their output based on new research, leading to a new generation of super smart bulbs. Scientists have recently made several discoveries relating to how the human eye interprets light and the effect it can have on the human body.
As a result, new lightbulbs are being designed which are aligned with the average human 24-hour rhythm. Offices in the near future will be equipped with light that promotes focus because of its cool colour temperature. As a bonus, ‘resetting’ the body’s circadian rhythms in this way often leads to better sleep at night.
Many of these new advances in lighting are taking place inside LEDs, the most energy-efficient bulb available, so people interested in trying out these new bulbs are also helping save the environment. One LED bulb typically lasts 50 times longer than a traditional incandescent bulb, saving the average customer money over a period of years.
Having cracked the problem of lightbulb longevity, and working hard on making lighting work for humans, lighting companies are turning their attention to what’s next; BLT Direct is already beginning to stock these smarter bulbs and will introduce more as the manufacturers release the latest incarnations of their designs.
BLT Direct
Tel: 01473 716418
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