Wally Vertical Gardening from Garden Beet

Online garden store Garden Beet introduces attractive solution for Vertical Gardening with its range of Wally Pockets.
Garden Beet have released a new product ideal for those interested in Vertical Gardening; Wally Pockets. The Wally Pockets will enable customers to create a living wall within just a couple of hours.
Living walls, also known as Green Walls, are often associated with sustainable living. They can be used to create vertical gardens in which to grow vegetables, as well as provide habitat for wildlife. Ideal for city dwellers, living walls can add that extra wow factor to any warehouse or apartment, whilst improving the walls’ insulation properties by absorbing noise.
For the most eco-friendly vertical garden, the amount of watering needed to maintain Wally pockets can be greatly reduced by: selecting the correct plants, ensuring the soil has good water retention properties (if soil is used as a growing medium), and recycling water.
Vertical Gardening is just one of any planting or building techniques that is perfectly adapted to various urban locations. For more information on Wally pockets and vertical gardening, please visit the Garden Beet online store at http://www.gardenbeet.com. Other products available include contemporary garden furniture, ornaments, lights and decorative water features.