Ultrascapes Mortar Paving System set to stay at Londons Savoy Hotel

Ultrascape’s mortar paving has proven high class results once again in London, contributing to the £100 million restoration programme at The Savoy Hotel.
The Savoy’s restoration programme is one of the most ambitious refurbishments undertaken in Britain with an estimated cost of over £100 million. The restoration that started in 2007 is close to completion with the hotel due to re-open in early 2010.
Ultrascape, a leading Streetscape Systems brand as part of the Instarmac Group, have been formulating and manufacturing a specialist range of concretes, mortars and grouts for 14 years that meet and exceed the ever increasing demands of pavement and carriageway construction using concrete and natural stone setts and flagstones.
Ultrascape offers fine bedding concretes and slurry primers, to high performance flowable grouts and surface protection liquids, that all conform to the British Standard BS 7533. With the simple addition of water, the range facilitates ease of use and early trafficking to ensure minimum disruption within town and city environments.
LDC Landscape Contractors, specified Ultrascape Pro-Bed HS Fine Bedding Concrete, Pro-Prime Slurry Primer and Flowpoint Charcoal Rapid Setting Flowable Grout to re-pave the entrance court to The Savoy for Chorus the main contractors for the external landscaping.
The new paved area was to be laid over the existing base to ensure existing levels were maintained. For this to take place a waterproofing system was tanked over the existing base area using Grace Servidek prior to the new paving being laid.
Two sample panels were fitted by Ultrascape Training and Site Support Team, who were able to show all concerned the full capabilities and benefits of the products and their compatibility with the membrane. Technical support and specification advice along with passionate customer care to help contractors complete the project, were a few of the service benefits that contributed towards that left contractors and architects in no doubt that the Ultrascape range was first choice.
Ultrascape’s Training and Site Support Team were also on site the day paving commenced to provide the sub contractors LDC Landscapes with a live demo of how the products should be mixed and applied. This gave the contractors opportunity to ask questions and helped to guarantee the aesthetic finish The Savoy required.
Ultrascape Pro-Bed HS fine bedding concrete was used to bed the 600 x 250 x 80mm Granite paving. Pro-Bed HS has been specifically formulated to meet and exceed the strict demands of BS7533. Ultrascape Pro-Prime slurry primer was used in conjunction with Ultrascape Pro-Bed HS to provide a more durable bond between the stones’ surface and the bedding mortar promoting an adhesion of greater than 2N/mm².
Ultrascape Flowpoint, a rapid setting flowable grout, was used for the 5mm joint throughout the driveway and courtyard to achieve the contemporary finish. Flowpoint again is formulated to meet the strict demands of BS7533 for rigid construction where a fluid consistency and early trafficking are essential. It is able to reach a bond strength of >1.5N/mm² and compressive strength of 49.6N/mm² which exceed the requirements of BS7533. It can be opened to foot traffic within 1 hour and vehicular traffic in 4 hours.
With the help of Ultrascape, The Savoy Hotel has achieved modern elegance externally as well as internally. Contractors Chorus Construction and LDC Landscapes along with the hotel management are extremely pleased with the performance of the products, with all areas completed on time with durability and style.
For further information on Ultrascape’s Mortar Paving System contact:
Instarmac® Group plc
Birch Coppice Business Park
B78 1SE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1827 871871
Fax: +44 (0)1827 874466
Email: enquiries@instarmac.co.uk
Website: http://www.ultrascape.co.uk