The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Press Room: Ultracrete Unveils a New Look Pothole Fighting Team

Ultracrete Unveils a New Look Pothole Fighting Team

Ultracrete announces an exciting development with its renowned Cold Lay Asphalt Concrete range – a whole new look, turning this cold lay macadam selection into a market-leading ‘pothole fighting’ team!

Ultracrete Pothole Fighting Team

Only recently the latest addition to Ultracrete’s pothole repair product range, Permanent Pothole Repair, has evolved into a striking bright orange bucket. Aiding the further promotion of the product’s benefits and becoming an easily recognisable item on any busy roadside!

To complete the new pothole fighting team, Ultracrete’s market leading Instant Road Repair has also undergone a transformation. The modern black packaging not only represents the renowned flexibility of the product, but also contains recycled material – adding ‘environmentally friendly’ to the checklist of obvious benefits.

Instant Road Repair is fully HAPAS approved by the BBA and is available in 6mm and 10mm grades – suitable for road repair as well as ironwork reinstatement, surface repair after the installation of signs, poles and fencing systems, and trenchless tunnelling.

Permanent Pothole Repair has been specially formulated to include fully graded, high PSV interlocking aggregate, specially prepared bitumen and the latest in industry technology to ensure strong flexibility and guarantee the best product performance. Its simple application method provides any contractor with a quick and effective way of repairing potholes.

All products are packed in 25kg contractor-friendly plastic containers that are recyclable, through Instarmac’s Plastic Containers Recycling Scheme. Instant Road Repair is also available in polybags.

For a flexible, longer lasting and cost effective repair, ULTRACRETE is the ideal solution. Flexible roads need a flexible repair – expensive, rigid, water-activated systems may lead to cracking!

For further information on Ultracrete’s pothole repair solutions and highway maintenance products call 01827 871871, email or visit

ULTRACRETE is a brand of Instarmac Group plc.


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