Total Hygiene helps Accessible Lifetime Housing

A progressive housing association is demonstrating the practicality of genuinely creating lifetime homes with the completion of the first phase of a new development with innovative products by Total Hygiene.
Margaret Blackwood Housing Association specialises in providing homes for disabled; the new, £3.1m Cala Sona Court redevelopment provides 24 homes purpose-designed to meet tenants’ needs now and in the future. Some 70% of the new properties are specifically designed to be wheelchair
accessible, with one being further ready equipped with Clos-o-Mat Palma wash and dry toilets to optimise independence for the occupants’ specific requirements, and the others wired for future installation of Clos-o-Mats if required.
The Clos-o-Mat toilets look like conventional WC’s but feature additional, integral douche and drying, and additional accessories such as drop-down arms to enable personalisation to individual requirements. As a result, they reduce, or even eliminate, the need for the user to have assistance cleansing after toileting, optimising privacy, dignity and hygiene!
Lyndsey Scott, Adaptations Officer at MBHYA, elaborates, “We work closely with Occupational Therapists to equip each home for the tenant’s needs, both at the initial build stage, and as their needs change over time. If toileting is an issue, we always use Clos-o-Mats, as we believe they are the most suitable for disabled people, and if there is a problem, Clos-o-Mat provides efficient service and back-up.”
The Clos-o-Mat Palma is manufactured in the UK, by Total Hygiene, Britain’s leading supplier of toileting solutions for any user. The only ‘wash and dry’ toilet with WRAS approval enabling legal connection to the mains water supply, the Clos-o-Mat Palma is also the only unit of its type developed specifically for disabled. Total Hygiene compliments the Clos-o-Mat with a range of toileting aids including lifters, hoists, grab rails, and height adjustable basins and changing tables, enabling a complete, accessible toilet, bathroom or washroom to be designed, specified, supplied, installed, commissioned and serviced through one single source. Full details can be found at
For further information:
Angela May
4 Ashbrook Close
Hesketh Bank
Lancs PR4 6LZ
Tel/ fax: 01772 813600
Clos-O-Mat telephone number for publication: 0161 969 1199/ freefone 0800 374076