StopSlip Launch New Website

Anti Slip Specialists Stop Slip Ltd Launch New E-Commerce Website.
New Range Of Anti Slip Products Available Online In The UK & Spain.
Following a successful year of online sales of Shoes For Crews anti slip footwear and mats, along with their range of anti slip tapes and accessories, anti slip specialists StopSlip Ltd have launched a new Bi-lingual e-commerce Website.
“Over the past 12 months we have exceeded all of our expectations with online sales of our tape and footwear products.” Says Paul Webb of Stop Slip Ltd. “During this time we have been asked on numerous occasions by our customers to source other quality anti slip products and provide them online. After careful product consideration we now supply a range of professional anti slip products that can help our customers comply with both the DDA and building codes at very competitive prices.” Webb continues.
Stop Slip’s new range of anti slip products include stair nosings & treads, portable disabled ramps, Slip Alert floor testing equipment, ladder rung grips, floor and bath treatments and soon to be included is a full range of safety and barrier matting. Their complete range of products can be ordered securely online or by simply calling the free phone order line. Companies that order products regularly can of course apply for a 30 day account status.
“We continue to offer our customers a worldwide floor safety consultation service but we see our investment in online sales for both the UK and Spain as major step forward in the development of our company.” Webb concludes.
Stop Slip Ltd is based in the United Kingdom and Spain. The company specialises in undertaking slip tests, supplying world class anti-slip products and consulting with companies advising them on how to manage the risk of slip and fall accidents.
Contact: Mr Paul Webb Managing Director
Tel: 0044 (0) 1634 731636
Free Phone Order Line: 0800 007 5261