SE Controls Launches TV Service on Website

Communication is all about getting a message across quickly and efficiently. Education is providing information that is clear and concise and that uses as many of our senses as possible in order for the information to be retained. Video provides both the moving image with sound, which is as close as one can get to the real thing.

Faster internet and easy access to streamed video has opened up opportunities for building service providers to offer educational videos for specifiers whilst providing users advice on how to best use installed systems. With the widespread use of smart phones and the emerging generation of tablet computers equipped with access to the web with high quality video, this is already an established mobile communication medium.
SE Controls has recently launched ‘SE Controls TV’ on its new website. The new service allows visitors to view video programmes of the company’s solutions, products and projects. SE Controls believes these short videos will demystify the use of adaptive natural ventilation and smoke control in new and existing buildings.
If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a short video explaining how a product works offers a real educational opportunity. Visit the company’s website at to view current videos. New videos are being added and updated all the time to keep specifiers aware of new products and services available.
SE Controls offers a complete service of design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of smoke and natural ventilation control systems for any building, either new or refurbishment.
Visit the website at for further information To discuss a requirement with SE Controls, or to request a copy of the corporate brochure, please call the head office in Lichfield on 01543 443060.
SE Controls
Wellington Crescent
Fradley Park
WS13 8RZ