Protec is a Winner for School Sports Hall

The property management company that took control of Headlands School in Bridlington, Yorkshire, inherited a leaking roof over the sports hall. The roof consists of composite panels that included insulation to building regulation standards. However, the single ply waterproof membrane had failed. As a result, water ingress had been a long term problem that had caused disruption for the school.

Requiring a cost effective and long term waterproofing system, the client turned to Polyroof Products Ltd for to provide the solution. The BBA-approved Protec system was specified for the project and was applied direct to the existing failed waterproofing membrane, allowing the school to continue without disruption.
The Protec system provided a seamless and durable waterproofing membrane that was guaranteed for 20 years and will last for years to come. The client was most pleased with the works and has now specified Polyroof waterproofing system for other projects.
Polyroof Products Ltd
Furness House
Castle Park Industrial Estate
Tel: 01352 735 135
Fax: 01352 735 182