The Construction Centre
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Press Room: Pendock supports New UK Government to Demand Ethical Timber and Timber Products

Pendock supports New UK Government to Demand Ethical Timber and Timber Products

In the Conservative Liberal Democrat coalition agreement there is a significant strengthening in the penalties for the use, possession or importing of illegal timber and timber products.

Lumber Stacked

The exact details could not be clearer p7 under section 11. Environment, item 14 "Measures to make the import or possession of illegal timber a criminal offence."

The only way to prove that wood, especially sourced from tropical hard woods, is legal is to have a recognised, independently audited chain of custody certificate from bodies such as The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.

You can be sure when specifying or fitting Pendock Profiles and Column Casings as they have full FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

For more information on the Pendock range please call 01952 580590 visit the website at


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