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Press Room: Passivents Fresh Approach to Eliminating Risk of Damp and Condensation

Passivents Fresh Approach to Eliminating Risk of Damp and Condensation

An innovative approach to helping eliminate the risk of damp and condensation is being pioneered by Passivent Ltd.

Day to day living for the average family generates up to 24 pints of water vapour a day- moisture that needs to be effectively removed from the building via ventilation to prevent risk of condensation leading to damp and rot. Whether a home is owner-occupied or rented, too often the ventilation is dependent on occupier input- be it turning mechanical ventilation on or off, or opening and closing ventilators.

Passivent, the UK’s leading supplier of natural and mechanical ventilation systems, maintains its Fresh 99H through-wall vent requires is unique, in being truly ‘fit and forget’: it is humidity sensitive, detecting increased levels of moisture in the air and opening and closing accordingly, therefore removing any reliance on the building occupants. It also helps optimize energy efficiency, as it ventilates only when necessary thus minimizing loss of warm internal air, and uses no electricity itself to function, relying purely on natural air movement principles. There are no moving parts, so there are no maintenance or repair issues.

The Fresh 99H is part of the Fresh range of through-wall vents, all of which can help meet Regulatory background ventilation requirements. They can be installed in any external wall up to 300mm, and require a penetration through the wall no bigger than 100mm as standard, whether a part of a new-build or retro-fitted.

Each Fresh vent is purpose-designed to clean and circulate incoming air, without draughts to minimize risk of occupants closing them off. Fresh vents are available in a range of options to optimize flexibility, whether occupant controlled, demand-controlled, and/or addressing acoustic issues depending on the property’s location- all presented with contemporary styling to enable discreet integration with the internal décor. All vents are also available in an acoustic version, specially designed for noisy locations, such as main roads, railways, airports. Acoustic versions reduce external noise penetrating into the home whilst ensuring adequate levels of background ventilation; they can provide sound attenuation up to 50dB Dn,e,w..

Stephen Smith, Passivent Domestic Product Manager, elaborates, “With the drive to make homes more energy efficient and airtight, there is increased risk of damp and condensation forming if the moisture in the warmer internal air cannot escape. Obvious signs of damp and condensation deter people from buying or renting a property in the first place, and can involve costly remedial work to rectify. The simplest and most cost-effective way of improving the background ventilation to minimize risk of damp is to install through-wall ventilators such as our Fresh units: they provide a perfect ‘fit and forget’ scenario!”

Fresh through wall ventilators are just part of Passivent’s comprehensive range of natural and mechanical ventilation systems designed to provide energy efficient solutions to ensuring buildings remain fresh and dry, and which are constantly evolving in line with changing market demands and requirements. Full details are available on the company’s website


For further information:

Angela May
4 Ashbrook Close
Hesketh Bank

Tel/fax: 01772 813600
Telephone number for publication: 0161 905 5700

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