Passivent Ventilation Achieves More Eco Friendly Housing

The company’s passive ventilation helps new Equity Housing achieve a high Sap score, whilst improving the building’s long-term internal environment.
Using Passivent ventilation is helping Equity Housing not only attain Level 3 under the Code for Sustainable Homes, but eliminate any potential, damaging condensation during the life of the properties at a new scheme in Stockport.
Holly Bank in Woodley is a shared ownership development of 18 two-bedroomed flats over three storeys, built for Equity by Albert Holliday & Sons. The completed project has achieved a SAP rating of over 80 and EcHomes rating of ‘very good’, partly due to the inclusion of Passivent’s fan per flat assisted ventilation system.
Equity maintains it has gained additional benefits by incorporating the Passivent ventilation: the system will overcome the issue of condensation forming and potentially damaging both building fabric and tenant health. Chris Ambrose contracts manager at Equity elaborated, “In the past we have used traditional extract fans but had issues of condensation when residents turn the fans off. As we will be retaining a stake on the properties it was important we optimised build quality for the long-term. Hollidays suggested trying the Passivent system and it seems to be achieving the desired effect, to the extent it is now being used on other of our and Holliday’s developments.”
The Passivent fan per flat ventilation system gently extracts damp, stale air from ‘wet’ rooms using a central low-energy DC fan. The system uses planned air routes through each apartment with air inlets in the ‘dry’ living rooms and bedrooms drawing fresh air into the home, with used, moisture laden air being extracted from the ‘wet’ kitchens and bathrooms by extracts, some automatic some manually controlled. The extracts are linked via ducting to a constantly running, low energy and whisper-quiet fan usually hidden in a service cupboard.
The system is specifically designed to each home, to ensure occupants enjoy a damp- and condensation- free environment without draughts and without any need for the occupier to turn the fan on or off, or be disturbed by a noisy fan running.
Passivent offers independent BBA certification across its range, proven in use for over 20 years. In addition to its mechanical ventilation systems, it supplies intelligent natural, non-mechanical ventilation and a comprehensive range of background trickle ventilators, plus the Fresh range of through wall ventilators, with or without acoustic options, all of which contribute towards efficient ventilation of the home with little or no energy consumption. Passivent is part of the Building Product Design Group, which specialises in developing innovative yet practical ventilation and roofing products in line with changing market requirements.
Notes to Editors:
For further information contact Angela May at:
4 Ashbrook Close
Hesketh Bank
Tel: 01772 813600