OFP Says Open Web Joists are the Way Forward

OFP Timber Framed Homes is now producing its own open web joists from its factory based in Sandwich, Kent. The WebSpan Joist System has been introduced to allow a greater range of flexibility when creating timber frame solutions for every project.
The strength of the WebSpan Joist System lies in the ease in which services can be installed to a project – eliminating the need for drilling or notching and allowing tradesmen to work more productively on site. The WebSpan Joist System has a high engineered strength and rigidity – spanning up to 8m with no need for intermediate load bearing walls.
The WebSpan joist can be fitted in masonry builds, as a “supply only” piece of kit, or as part of a timber frame structure. As it is so flexible and easy to install, it is as suitable for the self-builder as for the multiple unit developer.
OFP Timber Framed Homes believes this is the joist of the future. As Building Regulations demand greater thermal efficiency from projects, and so all ducting and service requirements will increase, the benefits of an open web system outshine all alternative joisting options.
This is why OFP Timber Framed Homes is looking to the future of the industry and strives to remain market leaders in the timber frame industry. The company believes open web joist will save time and money throughout a whole project, and not just the timber frame element.
OFP Timber Framed Homes
Goodwin Park
Sandwich Industrial Park
CT13 9LN
Tel: 01304 613298
Email: info@ofptimberframe.com
Web: http://www.ofptimberframe.com