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Press Room: OFP achieves Code Level 3 and beyond for clients

OFP achieves Code Level 3 and beyond for clients

Sustainable building using OFP timber framed homes provides significant advantages towards meeting higher levels of the Code for Sustainable Homes.

Timber framed homes deliver a high build quality, offer a fast and more efficient construction process and the opportunity to design homes with improved aesthetics, adaptability and durability. In addition to this, a key advantage that timber frames have over traditional build methods is the ability to achieving Code 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes?

Timber is possibly the only renewable resource in the construction sector that is energy efficient, helpful to the environment and which creates a mechanism for reducing the amount of fossil fuel required in running the home.

The timber frame industry, along with OFP Timber Frame, is setting the bench mark for new builds by achieving Code 3 status this year whilst looking towards Code 4 in 2010. OFP Timber Frame is able to provide clients with select wall types, floor joists, and roofs, insulated or non-insulated to achieve necessary U-Values for their projects.

When built, the all encompassing timber frame structure acts as an envelope which provides enhanced thermal performance and energy efficiency improving SAP (Standard Assessment Procedure) ratings and essentially saving the home owner money. OFP Timber Frame works is committed to meeting the standards that customers require to achieve Code 3 status and beyond. The company believes in building relationships through a ‘partnering approach’ to achieve the best result for sustainable homes together.

Further information can be found on the company website, or if you have any specific questions please send an email to

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