Newton Waterproofing Protects New Basement in Manor House

John Newton waterproofing was chosen for a project to extend a listed Manor House near Sevenoaks in Kent with a new build basement. The new structure is protected internally with Newton System 500 and externally with Newton System 400.

The architect and structural engineer, wanting a robust and guaranteed basement waterproofing solution, commissioned the services of Newton Specialist Basement Contractor Gulliver Timber Treatments.
The new block structure was built of a reinforced concrete raft and the use of a primary and secondary basement waterproofing solution was requested from the client. Prior to the new raft being poured, Gulliver Timber Treatments utilised the Newton 410 Geodrain as a drained waterproofing layer underneath the slab. Newton 902 Primer was then painted in two coats on the vertical walls as a Type A waterproofing protection, and then the Newton 410 was affixed vertically and lapped to the 410 Geodrain underneath the slab.
Adjacent to the footings, two 110 perforated land drains were installed wrapped in Newton Geofabric to act as a filtration layer for silts and fines that may be intercepted into the channel.
The secondary system installed was the internal Newton System 500 drained cavity system. Newton 508 membrane was curtain hung to the inner face of the block work walls. At the base of the block work wall, where it met the raft, Newton Basedrain was installed in a complete perimeter ring main which acted as a conduit. In the unlikely event of water moving through the structure, this would move it quickly out to the open elevation present within the new build basement.
The floor build was then 50mm of close cell insulation Newton 508 on top with under floor heating and screed.
The installation of the dual Newton System 400 and System 500 means that the structure itself is kept dry and the external drained layer moves any water away from the structure before it comes into contact with the retaining walls.

The Newton System 500 is the guaranteed solution and Gulliver Timber Treatments is able to offer full PI on design and peace of mind to the main contractor and client with insured backed guarantees. The internal Basedrain conduit offers the ability to maintain the waterproofing system which is a mandatory design requirement in accordance with BS8102:2009.
The systems were installed with precision and speed and the contract was able to move forward at a pace without the need for drying out times or suffering delays from adverse weather conditions.
John Newton Membranes
12 Verney Road
London SE16 3DH
Tel: 020 7237 1217