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Press Room: New Honeywell Web Site Provides a Wealth of Advice

New Honeywell Web Site Provides a Wealth of Advice

Honeywell has relaunched its popular UK Heating Controls web site with a fresh new design.

With very clear and easy access to a wealth of advice on products and systems to save energy, enhance comfort and satisfy Building Regulations, the web site provides a comprehensive resource for all who use, install, maintain, design and specify heating systems. The address is

Honeywell is the leading UK supplier of domestic heating and combustion controls. The new web site design makes it easy to find details of products and systems from the company’s huge range, which includes wired and wireless thermostats, wireless enabled timers and programmers, control valves and water controls.

The site’s new “News & Events” tab includes Honeywell product news and presences at exhibitions. A download tab accesses the full range of product brochures and specifications sheets, user guides and installation instructions.

A “Support Services” tab has access to information on such topics as Building Regulations, technical services and training courses. FAQ sheets provide advice on controls for all domestic heating and hot water applications, with radiator and underfloor systems.


Notes to editors:
Honeywell International ( is a Fortune 100 diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell’s shares are traded on the New York, London, and Chicago Stock Exchanges.

The Honeywell Home Controls business is part of Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions, a global leader in providing product and service solutions that improve efficiency and profitability, support regulatory compliance, and maintain safe, comfortable environments in homes, buildings and industry.

Honeywell Home Controls
Honeywell House
Arlington Business Park
Berkshire RG12 1EB.
Tel: 01344 656172
Fax: 01344 656416

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