Leading UK Construction Company says Yes to MSite from HRS

Human Recognition Systems (HRS) is delighted that The Careys Group (Careys), one of the UK’s top construction and infrastructure companies, has chosen its pioneering biometric workforce management solution, MSite, to provide accurate and live workforce management reports at Eaton Manor in south London.
Having previously used card-based solutions, Careys wanted to source a workforce management solution that would manage employees' credentials to produce on-site reports for time and attendance, CSCS accreditation and roll call and muster reporting.
Delivering a return on investment by integrating reliable technology, Careys can now positively identify and prove that every individual on site is who they say they are – and that each individual is accredited and authorised to be there. MSite is a leading biometric solution in access and workforce management that can be configured for clients' specific needs.
Michael Connolly, Business Development Consultant at HRS, said: “We are delighted to welcome Careys to our list of construction sector clients. We are seeing more and more take-up of MSite from construction companies because it delivers on a number of critical objectives such as health and safety policy adherence, reducing labour intensive onsite reports and enhancing site security. It's also significantly more accurate than card-based methods, which are easy to falsify whereas biometrics are virtually impossible to change.
“In Careys' case, it was a great feeling knowing we could deploy a solution that really offered them the results they were looking for.”
About HRS
Human Recognition Systems (HRS) is the UK’s market leader in biometrics and human behaviour analytic technology, developing and delivering innovative products to resolve clients' challenges with identity management. HRS operates in a number of industries outside of aviation helping clients to manage operational challenges in access control, people flow, identity verification, monitoring behaviours and policy enforcement.
Human Recognition Systems Ltd
1st Floor, Building 2000
Vortex Court, Enterprise Way
Wavertree Technology Park
L13 1FB
Tel: 0151 254 2888
Email: rob.cummerson@hrsltd.com
Web: http://www.hrsltd.com