Knauf Insulation Announces Plans for Project Renovate Winners

Knauf Insulation, sponsors of Project: Renovate, a national grassroots campaign targeting nurseries, has unveiled its energy efficient renovation plans for the winning nurseries.
First launched in February 2008 by HIT Entertainment, one of the world’s leading independent children’s entertainment producers and rights owners and led by the popular children’s character Bob the Builder™, the campaign offers nurseries an energy efficient renovation up to £15,000 while also encouraging nursery-age children to learn about the benefits of an energy efficient renovation in their setting. Project: Renovate offers nursery practitioners and children information on the steps they would need to take to make the learning environment more comfortable and sustainable for children and staff.
Over 18,000 nurseries were invited to take part in the competition and out of the hundreds of entries, three nurseries have now been selected to receive an energy efficient renovation worth up to £15,000 each.
The judges including the Editor of Junior Magazine, Catherine O’Dolan and Founder of TV4Parents Jackie Harding, selected Happy Days Nursery in Truro due to their ambition to become more energy efficient and awarded them with external wall insulation as part of their prize. Not only will the insulation boost the thermal efficiency of the building but the different colour options available for the rendering will also make the exterior more vibrant and appealing to the young attendees.
The second winner of Project: Renovate, Viewforth Nursery in Leven, submitted the nursery’s traditional design drawings to demonstrate why their annual energy consumption was so high. To help improve the energy efficiency of the old building, Project: Renovate awarded cavity and loft insulation to meet current government requirements and solar panels.
The third winner, Safe n Sound Day Nursery in Beverley, had to leave the radiators on all weekend, to ensure it would be warm enough on Monday mornings and so requested help to make the nursery warmer and cosier for the children. The judges awarded the nursery with 200mm loft insulation as well as solar panels which will help the nursery reduce their reliance on using fossil fuels to meet their energy needs.
Lydia Sharples head of communications at Knauf Insulation comments: “For the second year running, Knauf Insulation, in conjunction with Project: Renovate, has helped to educate over 18,000 pre-schools and nurseries on the importance of the environment. This year’s three winners have all conveyed their dedication and enthusiasm for improving the thermal efficiency of their surroundings. We hope the energy efficient renovations will further promote green issues both at the nurseries and within the wider community.”
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