Kaba Blast Proof Doors Protect Coatings Area

Leading door manufacturer and supplier Kaba Door Systems has provided blast proof high speed doors at Kernow Coatings based in Penryn, Cornwall.
Kaba installed two Kwikroll Atex, blast proof and high speed doors to the coating shop. One Kwikroll is positioned on the outside of the building and one is fitted to the inside, creating safe zone areas. The inner door is flame proof as well as blast proof and helps ensure that the potentially volatile solvent based materials are used in protected areas.
The doors are used when finished products are moved to the distribution and storage areas by fork lift trucks so fast reliable access is essential. The fast action also prevents flies and dust from entering the areas. In the summer months flies can be attracted to the coating leading to potential waste. Both doors are fitted with a soft edge anti-crash protection for added personnel safety and reduced down time.
Kernow Coatings are speciality coaters of polyester film supplying the digital imaging and colour films market worldwide. The business was started in 1974 and has continued to develop products for new printing technologies using its own research facilities.
Kaba Kwikroll doors provide high speed access as well as maintaining an effective environmental barrier. Fitted with a special soft edge (SE) with integral anti-crash protection the Kaba Kwikroll is safer and more cost effective. Personal protection is enhanced and downtime and costly repairs virtually eliminated. The high speed opening and fast closing cycle ensures that heat loss and draughts in the working environment are significantly reduced.
Kaba Door Systems has over 80 years international experience in the design manufacture and installation of a leading range of commercial and industrial door systems. With regional centres across the UK, Kaba also offers a nationwide repair and maintenance service and is a member of the Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA), the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) and is NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (PASA) approved.
Kaba Door Systems Limited
Halesfield 4
Tel: 0870 000 5252
Fax: 0870 000 5253
Email: hjukes-jones@kdt.kaba.com
Web: http://www.kabadoorsystems.co.uk