EnviroVent wins Queens Award

EnviroVent scoops Queen’s Award for Innovation
EnviroVent, the UK’s leading manufacturer of low energy, sustainable domestic ventilation equipment, has won a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, the country’s most prestigious annual prize for business success.
One of a handful of companies in the UK to be awarded a 2009 Queen’s Award for Innovation, Harrogate-based EnviroVent was praised for its work developing and manufacturing the unique EnviroVent Filterless Extract Fan which has revolutionised the extractor fan market.
The philosophy behind the creation of the EnviroVent Filterless Extract Fan was to design a ‘fan for life - not for landfill’. One hundred per cent recyclable, it has been designed to last as long as the building it is installed in and uses a fraction of the energy expended by a traditional fan. With 200,000 units sold since 2004, the product has played a key role in taking EnviroVent’s turnover from £2 million to over £10 million.
Nick Heaton, managing director of EnviroVent said: “We are all incredibly proud of achieving this renowned award as years of work have gone into building the success of the EnviroVent Filterless Extract Fan and our other innovative, sustainable Lifetime Range® products. The Queen’s Award will undoubtedly add commercial value to our company and give us an advantage over our competitors. 2009 was already proving to be a good year and this accolade will help us with our expansion into new markets.”
EnviroVent is now entitled to use the Queen’s Award Emblem on packaging and marketing materials for five years. Later this year, a representative of The Queen will visit the company’s head office and members of the team will be invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace.
EnviroVent Ltd
EnviroVent House
Hornbeam Business Park
t: +44 (0)1423 810810
f: +44 (0)1423 810910