EnviroVent has Two Job Opportunities

Opportunity Knocks for 2 School Leavers at EnviroVent!
EnviroVent, manufacturers of innovative and sustainable ventilation products, are looking for 2 enthusiastic individuals to train as apprentice technicians over a 3 year period. The first year will see the apprentices spending 1 day at the Harrogate site with the other 4 days spent at College studying for a BTEC National certificate in Mechanical Engineering.
A reversal in the second year involves 4 days spent at the Harrogate office and 1 day at college. The final year will be entirely site based, gaining valuable experience – forming a solid foundation for the candidate’s future career prospects.
“This is a great opportunity to receive on-the-job training whilst attending college one day per week and earning a wage!” HR Manager, Caroline Wright said. “We are looking for enthusiastic individuals with a grade C or above in Maths, English, Science or the equivalent.”
In the current climate of ‘doom & gloom’ this is a super chance to join a company who supports the local economy and whose innovative product development is going from strength to strength.
For Further Information
Contact Caroline Wright - HR Manager
Tel: 01423 810810
Email: cwright@envirovent.com