Curved Odyssey Helps to Keep Student Rooms Tidy

Regular user of Marshall-Tufflex cable management systems, The University of Warwick Estates Office, opted for the manufacturer’s all-curved profile Odyssey trunking system for electrical upgrades to 769 student rooms within 12 separate blocks of student halls of residence because of its sleek lines and impossibility to clutter.

CAT 6 compliant Odyssey is considered more aesthetically pleasing than traditional trunking because of its attractively curved profile, which does not attract dust and cannot be used as storage. It was therefore perfect for student halls improvements that combined living and study accommodation.
Gary Price, Electrical Services Design Engineer, University of Warwick Estates Office (Projects), who specified Odyssey to carry power and data to student work stations said: “We will use Odyssey again. We are regular users of Marshall-Tufflex’s Sterling range but considered Odyssey the more suitable system for the student residences particularly within the study/bedrooms due to the speed of installation and it is a very tidy and aesthetically pleasing profile. Due to a combination of cost and time constraints, the electrical re-fit involved predominantly surface re-wiring. Odyssey went in horizontally above the desk position and vertically up the wall. Overall we are very pleased with the result.”
The electrical upgrades at The University of Warwick were part of a general refurbishment programme necessitated by the requirement to re-wire student halls of residence. It involved 12 separate student blocks of varying ages and style. Various building works elements were also carried out simultaneously. The electrical engineering services installations were undertaken by approved framework contractors Drakeset Ltd (Brierley Hill), National Electric & Engineering Ltd (Warwick) and SSE Contracting Ltd (Walsall).
Wholesalers used to supply the trunking included ERF in Bilston and Edmundson Electrical branches in Coventry and West Bromwich.
As the improvements to all 769 rooms had to be completed within an 11-week period while students were absent, the projects were extremely time pressured and speed was essential. Odyssey delivers fast refits as it benefits from a simple clip-on lid function that allows the trunking to compensate for surface irregularities and enables quicker installations than traditional systems generally permit.
Odyssey is a three-compartment PVC-U containment system with adjustable internal and external bends, built-in cable tray and a comprehensive range of moulded fittings that allow a bend radius for CAT 6 cable control compliance. The need for external couplers is therefore unlikely and the aesthetic appeal of the product further enhanced.
Marshall Tufflex
Churchfields Industrial Estate
TN38 9PU
Tel: 01424 856600