Crown Paints Launches Carbon Revolution

Crown Paints chose Ecobuild to launch a ground-breaking new initiative to chart the carbon footprint of every product it makes – heralding a carbon revolution across the business and the market sector.

The manufacturer has worked with sustainability consultants Best Foot Forward on a comprehensive study of its products which will now underpin Crown Paints’ pioneering and transparent action towards sustainability.
With analysis including the impact up and down the supply chain, Crown Paints now has a benchmark from which to reduce its carbon footprint across the business.
At Ecobuild, Crown Paints announced it would use the sound data produced as a catalyst to drive down greenhouse gas emissions across the life-cycle of its entire product range by 10 per cent in 2015 – and 25 per cent in 2020.
These two new targets are in addition to the company’s existing ‘earthbalance’ sustainability targets of zero waste to landfill by December 2012.
Vernon Kinrade, Crown Paints’ Specification Sector Support Manager, said: “Through our earthbalance sustainability programme, we have been striving to reduce environmental impact across the board and our efforts over the last couple of years have provided real and measurable improvements.
“However in 2011 we have a special new focus on our carbon footprint – and the beginnings of the process to drive a carbon revolution across our business.
“Being able to establish the carbon footprint of every single product we make is groundbreaking, with very few other companies having this level of knowledge across their full range.
“We now have an accurate measure of our products and a basis from which action can be taken to reduce our carbon emissions further.”
Vernon added: “Our customers depend on us to provide them with the best information to make the most appropriate choices – and this is why this programme is so important.
“The delivery of environmental information to our clients has been transformed – with the reassurance that new standards in sustainable best practice are being delivered – without any impact on quality.
“It will ultimately help them make informed decisions about the paint they buy.”
Charlotte Yates, Crown Paints Technology Officer for Sustainability, said: “The research, development and investment in this programme – coupled with the announcement of our new targets for greenhouse gas reductions – give a strong statement about the direction we are taking as a company.
“We don’t just want to make one or two ‘green’ products; we want to be sustainability leaders. It’s not about filling a market niche; it’s about changing the way we do business.
“To achieve our ambitious carbon footprint targets we will be working closely with our suppliers to drive innovation and introduce methods to produce the quality of product for which Crown Paints is renowned, with much lower impact on the environment.
“We will also empower our staff and encourage our customers to innovate and support this reduction programme – and while we pursue company-wide emission reductions, we will continue to focus upon performance.
“We pride ourselves on the performance of our paints. Specifiers and contractors benefit from the supply of UK-produced, high quality, time proven paints, which carry more than 200 years’ experience in every can.
“It is our duty to continue to develop paints and varnishes that deliver a premium level of protection and durability, extending the life of the substrate and extending the time needed between reapplication.”
Listen to the Crown Paints podcast from Ecobuild, which gives an insight into the company’s carbon revolution at
Find out more about Crown Paints by contacting the customer relations team on 0845 389 9584, email