Creda Campaign Begins

Creda Campaign Takes Care of Today and Tomorrow
As winter approaches, heating products industry leader Creda has launched a major marketing campaign aimed at wholesalers, installers and specifiers.
Creda’s ‘Here today. . . . .here tomorrow’ campaign is pushing home the message that electric heating in the shape of its new TPRIII Electronic panel heater range with advanced central programming control is the most sustainable solution for domestic heating in the future.
The Creda supply chain will be left in no doubt that power generated from renewable resources coupled with modern electric heating delivers warmth without waste and without burning the increasingly expensive fossil fuels that create global warming.
Using an oak tree as an emblem to underline the ‘greenness’ (longevity) of the Creda electric heating, the campaign, includes advertising, PR, direct mail and point-of-sale material.
‘Here today…’ sees the oak tree as a sapling with a TPRIII Electronic panel on a wall behind it while the next frame of the ad ‘…here tomorrow’ shows the sapling grown to a mature oak in front of the same heater.
Eye-catching, freestanding floor display units for main profile stockists featuring the new TPRIII 750E panel heater underline the ‘Here today. . . here tomorrow’ message with ‘range awareness’ counter mats and full product literature available to support Creda distributors.
Promising long life, highly efficient performance and good looks the Creda TPRIII electric panels heaters are also utterly reliable, delivering trouble-free use with virtually no maintenance. In addition to forming part of fully compliant building designs, TPRIII Electronic panels and control options have been designed to meet the needs of both domestic and commercial applications.
To safeguard tomorrow for all of us, provide your customers with today’s genuine sustainable heating option…
Barry Lynn of Good Publicity