CKS Brings Seasonal Cheer for Christmas Crises

CKS Brings Seasonal Cheer for Christmas Crises
Special 'Christmas kitchens' are solution for perennial holiday capacity problem
Temporary staff are often recruited in December to cope with the surge in bookings for parties, functions and general seasonal good cheer. But it's a fact of life that most kitchens can't be expanded so easily to cope with the Christmas rush.
In these situations, hiring a complete temporary kitchen is the simplest way of adding space and boosting kitchen output. Yet many caterers fight shy of taking the temporary option over the holiday period, because they worry about disrupting routine.
Temporary kitchens specialist CKS has tackled this issue with special 'Christmas kitchens' geared to the yearly holiday routine. The kitchens can be delivered and installed in hours, with all equipment already in place. And crucially, they can be designed and laid out around a caterer's holiday-season menu, dedicated specifically to the roasts and puddings and fixed menus of Christmas dinners or seasonal banquets - something that can't easily be done with a fixed kitchen.
The units can also be tailored to suit the staff's expertise, even down to using familiar equipment so that no training is needed. Temporary staff can move in and start cooking Christmas menus immediately.
The seasonal pressure can lead not only to kitchen congestion, but equipment breakdown as well. For such emergencies, CKS has a limited supply of 'Christmas crisis' kitchens that are poised for fast delivery.
The CKS range includes production kitchens, prep kitchens, dishwasher units, and a variety of storage rooms, including refrigerated and freezer coldrooms. They also offer a full range of 'standalone' catering equipment to supplement an existing kitchen.
This article is provided by CKS, one of the UK’s leading temporary kitchen specialists. The company also offers a professional kitchen installation service and operates a catering equipment maintenance division. For more information, brochures and details, contact Container Kitchen Systems direct, by phone on 0845 812 0800, email or on the web at