Cemplas is Appointed a Registered Sika Contractor

Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd is among a select few companies to be appointed a registered Sika Waterproofing Contractor. In making the announcement of the appointment, Sika said of Cemplas:

Cemplas has demonstrated to Sika Limited that it has delivered consistently high quality workmanship in the installation of Sika waterproofing products. Their operatives have been trained and assessed by Sika Limited and demonstrated to have shown competence, in the installation of our waterproofing systems. Other criteria that the Registered Contractor has to demonstrate prior to achieving this accreditation include:
- Stable trading history
- Satisfactory project references
- Proven commitment to safety, health and environment
- Compliance with all relevant British Standards
- Appropriate insurance cover
- VAT Registered
Key benefits of using a Registered Waterproofing Contractor:
Peace of Mind
By selecting a Sika Registered Waterproofing Contractor you can be assured that the installation of the Sika waterproofing system will be of the highest quality.
Only a registered Sika Registered Waterproofing Contractor can offer a Sika 10-year product guarantee.
A stable trading history, Sika carries out independent financial check and insists on a provisional trading period prior to companies being accepted onto the scheme.
Quality Control
At the Sika Training Academy contractor operatives are shown the correct way to install Sika’s range of waterproofing systems and this is followed up with on site assessments of the operatives to check their site practises prior to accreditation to ensure competency of the operative is satisfactory.
Proven Commitment to safety, health and the environment must be demonstrated, Sika insist on Health and Safety, Quality, Training and Environmental company policies to be in place and proven prior to acceptance.
By selecting Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd, you can be assured that all these criteria have been met. Sika Ltd conducts continued quality audits to ensure that the high level of installation and service expected from a market leading manufacturer are achieved.
Cemplas Waterproofing and Concrete Repairs Ltd
Holbrook House
72 Lower Addiscombe Road
Tel: 020 8654 3149
Email: info@cemplas.co.uk
Web: http://www.cemplas.co.uk