CADlogic releases DRAFT IT V3 a 2D CAD system

UK CAD software developers CADlogic has just launched the latest release of DRAFT IT a powerful free, 2D CAD system, that’s fast and easy to use without training.
Version 3 has even more easy to use commands allowing DRAFT IT to speed up previously time-consuming drawing tasks. And, with this standalone system being completely free of charge it represents a no risk trial for any potential users.
CADlogic also offer three enhanced versions offering even more functionality starting from just £20 + VAT.
DRAFT IT is a full CAD system which unlike other free software allows you to create, print and save your drawings without restriction. There is no time or usage limit, just download it, run the installation and that’s it, you can use the free version indefinitely. During the first 15 days you have the option to run any of the three low cost upgrades, Draft It Plus, Draft It Pro & Draft It Architectural.
DRAFT IT assists the user at all stages of drawing creation with a variety of input modes. In most drawing or modifying functions it is possible to switch on dynamic dimensions displaying Cartesian (X, Y) or Polar co-ordinates, thus allowing the user to easily identify the next position without keyboard entry. The increment of the dynamic dimensions can be set to suit your requirements. A comprehensive set of snaps is also available allowing easy selection of end points, mid points, intersections etc; DRAFT IT displays the relevant symbol and description at the cursor when browsing over the drawing.
The system has a range of powerful editing commands and modifying geometry is made even easier using the Entity Handles feature. These handles are displayed whether a single or multiple entities are selected. The user can simply click on a handle to select it and then either move the complete entity or redefine the handle position as required. Effectively geometry can be moved, copied, stretched or trimmed without selecting a specific command.
All of these commands combined with the flexibility of the user input compliment the powerful DRAFT IT drawing tools to create a slick and uncluttered Office 2007 ribbon style interface, where Individual commands are logically arranged around the drawing area.
DRAFT IT has a number of settings the user can define for new drawings including support of Metric and Imperial units for co-ordinate input and dimensioning. The following unit settings are available: millimetres, centimetres, metres, decimal inches, fractional inches, decimal feet / inches, fractional feet / inches. Sheet size can be set from a range of standard metric and imperial sizes as well a custom option allowing the user to specify the preferred width and height. Similarly any scale can be set or the user can select from the list of standard drawing scales.
Some of the other DRAFT IT features and functions are listed below:
- Drawing & Annotation: Line, arc, circle, rectangle, offset, rectangular array, polar array, text, dimensions (linear, angular, radial, diameter, leader arrow, double arrow)
- Modify: Move, copy, rotate, scale, mirror, trim/extend, fillet, chamfer, delete
DRAFT IT PLUS is a low cost enhanced version of DRAFT IT costing just £20+VAT. It includes all of the commands and features in the free DRAFT IT as well as the following:
- Arrow key input: Easily specify distance and direction using the keyboard arrow keys, simply press the direction key and enter the distance required.
- Drawing tools: Polyline, curve fit, build polyline, polygon, ellipse, hatch
- Modification tools: Break, explode, stretch
- Drawing Aids: Direct input, x & y snap filters, entity info, measure
- Multiple Drawing Interface: Cut, copy and paste between drawings
- Templates: Create your own template drawings
- Symbols: Create and save your own symbols for insertion into other drawings.
- Layer Management: create and manage drawing layers.
- Specify Line thickness for display & printing
- Datum Dimensioning
DRAFT IT PRO is a low cost enhanced version of DRAFT IT costing just £99+VAT. It includes all of the commands and features in the free and PLUS versions of DRAFT IT as well as the following:
- Import AutoCAD DWG and DXF file formats.
- Export AutoCAD DWG, DXF and Adobe PDF file formats.
- Area Fill: Fill closed areas (Polylines) with solid colour.
- Insert Image: Place raster (Bitmap) images onto drawings.
- Selection Filters: Select Entities by colour, layer, type etc.
- Named Views: Store Zoom windows for quick drawing navigation and partial drawing printing.
- More Trimming commands - Trim or extend lines/arcs to other entities, quick trim
- Points: Add snap points to any position on a drawing.
- Divide: Sub-divide a line or arc into a number of segments.
- Hatch Pattern: Fill closed areas (Polylines) with pre-defined hatch patterns.
- Additional Pens: Increase the number of system pens (125 maximum).
- More Dimension Tools: Chain and multi-point. Create multiple linear dimensions with fewer clicks.
- Radial length Dimension
- Isometric Grid: Define to assist Isometric drawing.
- Symbol Libraries: Hundreds of pre-drawn symbols including; mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic & pneumatic.
- Build symbol: Create a new symbol from entities within a drawing
- Construction Lines: Easily create Horizontal, Vertical and Angled construction lines.
- Layouts: Greater flexibility to printing and drawing output requirements
- Properties Explorer: Displays the settings of the items being drawn or modified. Can be used to change settings as well.
- More Text functions: Spell checker. Attributes (variable text strings within symbols)
- Drawing Properties: Store drawing related information via a dialog box.
DRAFT IT ARCHITECTURAL is a professional Architectural CAD system costing just £299VAT. It includes all of the commands and features in the FREE, PLUS and PRO as well as the following powerful Architectural design tools:
- Walls: Easy wall drawing functions to create walls in various styles.
- Wall Dimensions: Automatically add dimensions to walls
- Wall Joining Tool: Extends and trims two walls together
- Wall Teeing: Choose whether to tee in at wall intersections
- Wall Breaks: Specify either return or thermal break
- Doors: Place a door in a wall, the opening is created and the wall ends are capped.
- Windows: Place a window in a wall, the opening is created and the wall ends are capped.
- Openings: Create openings in walls at a specified width and height
- Stairs: Create straight, quarter-turn and half-turn staircases at pre-defined or at your own sizes.
- Roofs: Create gable or hipped roofs, you can specify the roof pitch and tee one wall into another.
- Elevations: Automatically create elevation views directly from the drawing plan.
- Elevation Hatching
- 3D Viewer: View and rotate a 3D model calculated from the plan
- 3D DXF Export: Create a 3D DXF model from the drawing for export to other systems
- Levels: Define the levels of the floor plans for the 3D view and export functions
- Architectural Symbols: Hundreds of design components, including electrical, furniture, heating, kitchen fittings, landscape and plumbing.
Many companies and organisations have benefited from using a custom CAD system developed by CADlogic. Now DRAFT IT has made this process even easier, whether a few additional specialist commands are needed or a complete bespoke design system.
Specialist developers of CAD systems since 1988, CADlogic of Lichfield, Staffs, provide architectural, structural and mechanical engineering design solutions with their wide selection of CAD products. These complete solutions as well as tailored systems enable you to optimise design efficiency, quality and accuracy, new business proposals and return-on-investment (ROI), whilst reducing the "time-to-market" of your new ideas. Accordingly, CADlogic possess the ideal product background and intellectual resources to produce such a new and useful design tool as DRAFT IT.
CADlogic’s DRAFT IT is worth a closer look as a free yet sophisticated and feature-filled, PC CAD system for boosting productivity in any design and drawing environment. Supported by a low cost upgrades and the option for CADlogic to develop bespoke functionality for your application, it represents an effective design solution for the home or office user.
Contact: Phil Rose, CADlogic Ltd, 3 Greenhill, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6DY.
Phone: 01543 419886,
For further information, visit the website at: