Aquobex launch FloodRecover to tackle ongoing flood issues

Aquobex are proud to announce the official launch of the FloodRecover brand and portfolio, to enable cost effective and insurable flood resilient repairs to properties of all types.
The flood resilient market is buzzing with new enthusiasm at present based on the newly published code of practice through CIWEM, the theme of Build Back Better from FloodRe and also their suggestion for the flood performance certificate(FPC).
Coupled with increased grant money and public spending by the Environment Agency on property flood resilience the time is right to announce this important new step for Aquobex in their 11th year in the flood mitigation business.
Flood resilient repair is a water entry strategy that allows properties to recover quickly from flooding events to allow homeowners to stay in their homes and businesses to reopen within days.
The market and solutions for flood resilient repair has grown significantly in recent years and has allowed Aquobex to partner with state-of-the-art manufacturers, designers, and installers to launch this new initiative.
Aquobex are currently partnering with a number of companies, such as Delta Membranes, Timberwise and Dragonboard to name a few. The hope is to expand this collaboration over time with more products and initiatives to make flood resilient repair a mainstream solution for loss adjusters and insurers.
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