Amazing labyrinth installed with Addagrip surfacing

Addagrip approved contractor True Grip was delighted to be chosen to carry out the installation of a stunning Labyrinth at Hospice in the Weald, a leading palliative care provider for the communities of West Kent and northern East Sussex.

George Kelpie from Acanthus LW Architects designed the Labyrinth, with the wellbeing of the patients at the Hospice in the Weald in mind, using Addagrip’s porous Resin Bound surfacing Addaset in a 6mm Lucerne Silver and Resin Bound Addacolor in 3mm Green.

With its classical seven circuit design, Hospice Labyrinth has one path that winds into the centre and then out again and is wide enough for wheelchairs. The Addaset and Addacolor resin bound systems provides a smooth, porous surface suitable for both pedestrian and wheelchair use.
Hospice in the Weald is dedicated to providing compassionate, individualised, supportive and holistic care for patients and families and the Hospice Labyrinth supports this mission. Set in beautiful gardens overlooking neighbouring orchards, the classically designed Labyrinth is available for all to use as they wish – many people find walking the path of a labyrinth a way to find peace, calm and inner strength.
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Addagrip Terraco Ltd
Tel: 01825 761333