The Construction Centre
Magnifying Glass

Press Room: ALM HM Warmfast vapour barrier for Cambridge University sports centre

ALM HM Warmfast vapour barrier for Cambridge University sports centre

Whether specifying zinc, copper, stainless steel or aluminium for a warm roof specification, a high performance vapour barrier is essential.

Cambridge sports centre with zinc roof

A ‘compact’ warm roof has no underside ventilation, so if vapour is able to pass into the roof space it will soon settle on the insulation, severely reducing its performance. When it ultimately hits the underside of the colder metal outer skin it will condense, attack the metal and potentially penetrate the building fabric. Though it utilises simple technology, the vapour barrier’s value is out of all proportion to its cost, preventing development of irreversible damage caused by interstitial condensation.

The new £16m West Cambridge Sports Centre, designed by Arup Associates, has seen ALM HM supply 5000 m² of Warmfast vapour barrier for use in conjunction with Rheinzink pre-PATINA zinc in Graphite-grey and Linitherm insulation.

All Metal Roofing installed a double lock standing seam system with a segmented curving roof on a building designed to provide a focal point for university sport.

The project is the first phase of a multi-purpose complex with subsequent buildings likely to be constructed to a similar specification.


Article supplied by Pittman PR & Marketing on behalf of:
Associated Lead Mills
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