Ahmarra a winner at Willmott Dixon Supply Chain Awards

Ahmarra Door Solutions has won the Willmott Dixon Engagement and Collaboration Award for 2019.

Ahmarra is one of several fantastic mandated door manufacturers on Willmott Dixon’s supply chain, so the team was proud to be presented with the award at Willmott Dixon’s annual Academy & Awards’ Better Together 2019 event.
Early engagement within the design consortium provided an opportunity to drive cost out of the package and introduce some enhanced doorset design solutions on a key project being tendered for. As part of Willmott Dixon’s Build-on-Better strategy the company strives to deliver the best possible experience for their customers and recognises the positive contribution their Works Partners and Goods Partners can make toward achieving this aspiration.
The Better Together event took place last month in London. Ahmarra’s Business Development & Specification Manager Martyn Fennell and Commercial Sales & Estimating Manager Ian Martin attended. The interactive daytime event focused on how Willmott Dixon and its suppliers can develop even better working practices and partnerships, and was followed by an exciting awards night.
Pictured at the event are Kevin Dundas (Willmott Dixon’s Supply Chain Manager), Martyn Fennell and Steve Watson (Willmott Dixon’s National Supply Chain Director).
Tel: 023 92 389 076
Email: sales@ahmarra.co.uk
Web: https://ahmarra.co.uk/
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