Snape Computers Company Profile
Since 1983 Snape has specialised in software for Measuring, Bill of Quantities and Estimating which we know and love. Providing quality software in our chosen field is a major undertaking in its own right and we prefer to do one job well which is why we don’t produce any other software. We have a remarkable range of customers from a substantial number of Consultant Quantity Surveyors, Local Authorities, Established Builders who have acquired our standard software. We have also produced custom Bill of Quantities programs for projects with budgets measured in hundreds not tens of millions. Snape enjoys a justifiable reputation for reliability and technical excellence.
People are the most important part of the equation. Our job is to listen to our customers and provide software and support that serves their needs in a form that is approachable, easy to understand and operate.
Vector integrated software is our flagship Bill of Quantities program which covers every conceivable kind of Bill of Quantities for Building, Civil Engineering, Highways and Industrial Projects. A wide range of Libraries are available.
Vector is a very easy to use, efficient modern windows program designed from scratch for Windows XP and Vista with unlimited multiple step undo & redo and drag & drop. Uniquely Vector gives the operator the choice of how they wish to work, supporting codeless projects (like Excel), traditional coded projects, and the new versatile NudgalTM Sort.
Vector includes outstanding Quantity Measurement capability including direct entry, integrated measurement from CAD drawings (no additional software required) and support for digitiser takeoff.
Vector’s reporting and output capability is exceptional in its presentation and versatility. Output can be Paper, Excel or CITE. Projects and data can be imported from Excel, CITE and NBS word files.
Vector supports: - Preambles, Preliminaries, Bills of every kind, Cost Plans, Approximates Estimates, Valuations and Final Account.
Our Contender estimating and tendering software is a detailed Builders Estimating program which is supplied complete with a comprehensive database of measured rates covering New Work, and Alterations & Repairs.
Contender can price existing bills imported from Vector, Excel or CITE with an easy to use drag & drop mechanism.
Simple bills and estimates can be created within Contender with a straight forward direct entry takeoff system for measuring. Large contractors can use Vector’s more powerful takeoff system.
Contender has a very comprehensive range of cost reports, and resource shopping lists.