Sangamo Company Profile
Energy efficiency is at the core of the Sangamo business. This concept is growing ever more important and Sangamo recognise this by designing and manufacturing high quality, energy efficient products. These can range from electronic and electromechanical time switches; to custom-made lighting solutions.
The range of time clocks available cover a multitude of applications. The electromechanical switches (Round Pattern Time Switch) are available in Standard and Solar varieties which are used extensively in heating & ventilation systems and exterior lighting installations. The Powersaver and DIN & Panel ranges are used in various applications including immersion and underfloor heating; security and street lighting respectively.
Sangamo is widely recognized as manufacturing ‘fit-and-forget’ time control switches – supplying over 8 million during its long history. The absolute reliability and longevity of the Sangamo brand makes them the control of choice for many installers, contractors, specifiers and local authorities.
2009 sees Sangamo Limited celebrate its 60th anniversary of operating from its Port Glasgow manufacturing facility.
During the 60 years Sangamo Limited has operated in many challenging and changing climates, yet the same standards have been at the core of all product ranges and service levels: Quality, Reliability & Simplicity.
To continue its tradition of investing in product and brand development, Sangamo have enhanced their portfolio through the launch of Sangamo Lighting.
Sangamo Lighting builds upon the successful 2007 acquisition and integration into the Port Glasgow operation, of a Newcastle-based lighting solutions business. This acquisition brings over 20 years experience of identifying and installing custom-made lighting solutions, successfully satisfying the needs of NHS, Local Authorities and Further Education facilities for energy efficient driven lighting solutions.
For many organisations lighting can be one of the highest running costs, but it is also one that can be easily reduced. Sangamo Lighting focus on easily managed retro-fit and upgrade opportunities, matching the needs of many organisations looking to reduce not just their energy costs but also their “carbon footprint” and, importantly, within a restricted budget.
Sangamo Limited is committed to British engineering with products manufactured and supplied from their Port Glasgow facility.